Gabriel Richards
Favorite Quote
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Joined Endertech
Primary Title
Founder & CEO
Secondary Title(s)
Account Manager, Development Manager, Full Stack Developer
About Me

I enjoy playing piano, soccer, and Civilization! Other areas of interest include mixology, skiing, aquaria, and travel. My teams are the LA Galaxy and the LA Rams. I married my high school sweetheart in 2005 and we have two kids, a boy and a girl.


B.A. in Philosophy from UC Irvine, 2000


Designing & developing all sorts of websites, databases, and software applications since 1998.


Creative Thinking, Problem Solving, Business Analysis, Software System Architecture, Project Management, Software Engineering, Cloud Server Administration


Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, React, Symfony, Shopify, Magento, Drupal, WordPress, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud

Articles by Gabriel Richards
Choosing a crowdfunding platform that's best for your campaign is no small task since popular platforms may appear identical, but that impression dissipates upon further examination.
Using Prepared Statements in Symfony1.4 instead of other methods such as doInsert or creating an object in a loop.
Using Prepared Statements in Symfony1.4 instead of other methods such as doInsert or creating an object in a loop.
The potential need for an SSL Certificate is an important consideration for any website that handles visitor information in order to protect it and assure visitors that their sensitive data is being sent to the correct source rather than to a criminal enterprise.
PCI compliance is important to any business that accepts credit or debit cards in order to maintain the security of customer accounts and customer relations as well as to avoid security breaches and their resulting financial impacts.
An explanation of the MySQL Enum ("enumeration") data type including a discussion of its practicality, advantages and disadvantages, usage examples and alternatives.
Web Development
An explanation of how a Uniform Resource Locator ("URL") is affected by the Symfony1.4 framework including a discussion of route patterns, request URL translation and URL creation via Symfony1.4.
Discussion of the process involved in adding a website to a new business including one-size-fits-all versus customization, collaborative process with website developers, waterfall and agile development methodologies and potential goals of a new business website.
How to determine the best Payment Gateways for your Crowdfunding Site including discussion of "all-or-nothing" and "partial credit" models and comparisons of payment service providers WePay, Balanced and PayPal.
Overview of whether an Off-the-Shelf Solution will work for various Social Network Web Designs, including discussion of the pros and cons of Ning and Elgg compared to customizable solutions.
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